@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » OSx86 Leopard 10.5.4內含許多MAC工具(如讀寫NTFS)~免安裝

2009-9-12 15:24 ken000lai
OSx86 Leopard 10.5.4內含許多MAC工具(如讀寫NTFS)~免安裝

[size=5][font=標楷體]軟體名稱: OS 86 X Leopard
軟體版本: 10.5.4 USB免安裝版
軟體功能: 作業系統
軟體大小: 2.44GB
下載方式: 免空砍檔,不補檔
分享期限: 免空砍檔
Little bit smaller, but with ALL system and software is updated...newer kernels added..a lot more networkcard and wireless drivers and tools included. 10.5.5 Graphic's update included to install (downloadsfolder). Videocard Injectors. By default NTFS read&write and added NTFS format option in DiskUtillity. Added Hackingtosh tools. Updated little snitcher protecting your private data by default.Himmelbar startmenu.EFI 9.0 and more!!!




2009-9-15 11:38 kf12345f
這那一國語言的? 裝了就能在隨身碟上用??

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