@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 國會議員說,情報機關應更努力招募女性情報員

2015-5-20 22:09 宅~有何不可

MPs say agencies should do more to recruit female spies
  UK intelligence needs to do more to recruit middle-aged women and mothers to be spies, using websites like Mumsnet, according to senior MPs.
  In a report, the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) said such women were an "untapped recruitment pool" for MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.
  It said more than half of the civil service were women, but the figure was 37% in the intelligence agencies.
  Hazel Blears, the Labour MP who led the report, called for a culture change.
  Ms Blears said: "I personally want women to be attracted to a career in intelligence and to feel there is the prospect of real advancement."
  She highlighted the particular skills mothers have in building relationships – a vital talent for spies trying to recruit informants.
  Mrs Blears said: "If all intelligence professionals are cut from the same cloth – sharing similar backgrounds and characteristics – then they are likely to share ’unacknowledged biases’ that will circumscribe both the definition of problems and the search for solutions."
  Mrs Blears said the need for MI6 officers to be able to deploy abroad – sometimes at short notice – could be a problem for women with children.

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